Teufel Card Image

Teufel Audio is a prominent German consumer electronics manufacturer that offers a wide range of audio devices, speakers, and accessories to cater to various preferences, budgets, and room sizes. The company has made a remarkable mark in the German-speaking market and expanded its global reach.

Product quality, Sustainability, Brand recognition, Reasons for satisfaction/dissatisfaction.
Analyzed topics
Data stream analyzed

Google Maps, Trustpilot, Amazon, Customer satisfaction survey, Ad-Hoc studies

How Teufel Audio Turned up the Volume on Customer Satisfaction With Caplena.

Maria Mörbe, Team Lead Customer & Market Insights @ Teufel

Teufel Audio is a prominent German consumer electronics manufacturer that offers a wide range of audio devices, speakers, and accessories to cater to various preferences, budgets, and room sizes. The company has made a remarkable mark in the German-speaking market and expanded its global reach.


Teufel Audio recognizes that its customers are not just consumers but passionate users who seek high-quality sound and music experiences. Therefore, the company understands the importance of quantitative text research to comprehend its deeper reasoning. However, as the data accumulates, analyzing it becomes more challenging.


Caplena provides Teufel Audio with a way to organize vast amounts of unstructured customer feedback, allowing for efficient data analysis and practical recommendations.

Caplena: What is your favorite feature of Caplena for customer feedback?

Maria (Teufel): The dashboards are incredibly beneficial for us. We can view and sort our coding in multiple ways and share them with internal stakeholders, who can delve into the data, coding, and original mentions themselves.


With Caplena on its side, Teufel Audio is always in tune with its customers. Teufel Audio's Customer and Market Insights team leverages Caplena's capabilities to ensure customer feedback is heard and action is taken swiftly. For example, the team employs Caplena's integration capabilities to monitor ongoing customer feedback continuously from Google, Amazon, and Trust Pilot reviews.

Caplena: Could you provide an example of how you utilized Caplena to enhance a Teufel product?

Maria (Teufel): We used Caplena to improve the Teufel Boomster, which had high satisfaction ratings, but quantitative KPIs showed room for customer-centric improvement. Caplena helped us identify areas for improvement, like a key lock to prevent unintentional operation during transportation or a modified carry handle for customers with bigger hands, based on open text fields for specific feedback.

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