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Harness the power of open-ended feedback

Surveys, online reviews, feedback data is everywhere. Yet, Insights teams lack a solid process to collect & analyze it, then trust their results. So we've put together the ultimate playbook.
⏱️ Time to read: 15 min of exclusive insights.

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Who is this playbook for?

We crafted this playbook to help CX, Customer Intelligence, and Market Research professionals make the most of open-ended responses, turning them into their greatest asset for finding reliable insights.

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Open-ended feedback can be daunting.

But it shouldn't feel that way.

While close-ended questions focus on pre-defined choices, open-ended responses captures unique opinions and unexpected answers.

When coupled with rating questions (like NPS, CSAT or stars), open-ended responses uncovers the why. And when coupled with close-ended questions or quantitative variables, you can discover targeted insights and improvements.

A gateway to customers' true motivations

What you will learn

💬 The value of open-ends.

❓ How to craft powerful open-ended questions.

🎯 How AI is revolutionizing their coding and analysis.

🔎 The benefits of topic-level sentiment-analysis.

🤩 The value of combining open-ends with quantitative variables.

🤖 The next trends to watch.

We effortlessly decode customer feedback, track and segment the passenger journey."

Thomas Storbeck

Senior Manager Customer Insights

Thomas Storbeck
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