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Caplena’s Blog

01 Dec, 2021

Everything You Need to Know About The Job Market After Covid 🦠

“Workin’ nine to five” (thanks, Miss Parton, for that earworm) was introduced by Ford Motor Company back in the 1920s to curb factory worker exploitation. The daily routine of tumbling out of bed and rushing into traffic to get to work – most of us know the drill.

We as a society have been tied to the same system and way of working for ge👏ne👏ra👏tions. Why? Because “things have just always been that way”. Then BOOM💥! In comes Covid 🦠.

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Feedback Analysis
02 Sep, 2021

Datasets for Getting Started in Text Analytics

Would you like to get started with Caplena and try out some datasets? If you’re interested in some demo surveys with open-ended questions, we’ve got you covered: Here are 5 datasets with free-text feedback. The files are free to use…

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Customer Experience

What Really Is Machine Learning?

Did you ever get burned by a hot object as a child and vow never to make the same mistake again? That was a critical moment of learning. Through a variety of experiences, we develop and become better at navigating the world…

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31 Aug, 2021

Chart of the Month: Driver Chart

Driver Scatter Analysis is a method for measuring a code’s influence on customer satisfaction (NPS/CSAT). On the Driver Chart, you can see immediately which issues “count” and where to focus your efforts. Like the relationship chart, If you want to…

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Customer Experience

We Found the Best Wiener Schnitzel in Zürich

Among Europe’s favorites. Vienna’s pride. The Wiener Schnitzel is special and cherished around the world. But beware of imposter Schnitzels. “What other Schnitzels?” may you ask. These include the Frakh Pané from Egypt, the Tonkatsu from Japan, and the Parmo from the…

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Feedback Analysis