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Caplena’s Blog

26 Aug, 2021

5 Tips to Take Full Advantage of Your SaaS Trial

Are you ready to learn how to take full advantage of your FREE Caplena SaaS trial? Read below to learn how to use Caplena’s trial feature to the fullest extent! Maybe you want to learn more about how Caplena uses…

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Customer Experience
24 Aug, 2021

Chart of the Month: The Treemap

Having uploaded and processed your data to Caplena – what’s next? Text analysis is most effective when it explains key points through graphs, for example, using the relationship chart, understanding the driver chart, and analyzing the treemap! 🚀  What is…

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Customer Experience
06 May, 2020

Analyzing Netflix Open-Ended Feedback: A 3½-Step Video Tutorial

This tutorial is all about getting your hands dirty 👨‍🎨: We’ll take you through every step required to evaluate your open texts with the help of AI. If you follow the 3 required steps described in the guide below in all detail, it will take you approximately 45 minutes to get to achieve these results.

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Feedback Analysis